Paula Oliveira – João Paulo
João Paulo (p), Paula Oliveira (v),
Also Available on iTunes
€ 8.90
Quase Então “A friend that lives in London gave us these words that are not his. They hesitate, float, inhabitate the music without knowing where to land. Now, on the cover of the cd, photographed, they quiet down. Maybe they are listening, like there was a singer and a pianist inside…” These are the words João Paulo choses to explain what “Quase Então” represents for him. This may be one of the ways of not talking about music but about the feelings that comprise it and that originate from it. “Quase Então” is a special recording. Special because it is the result of the experiments and resources of two exceptional musicians, João Paulo and Paula Oliveira, that made of this recording a fascinating meeting between two aparently disparate worlds; jazz and traditional portuguese music. The vast experience that pianist João Paulo has gathered along his intense career, allowing him a profound knowledge of portuguese music, is met by Paula Oliveira’s resolution in finding her own space in music, with roots in her own culture. Repertoire includes, apart from original themes, compositions that focus on a factor that is crucial for both musicians criativity; an intense search through the portuguese musical heritage, or how a northern portugal lullaby can become a modern song without destroying its original caracteristhics. This last work has a strong diversity of sounds and ambiances. Mainly due to the magic created during the three days of recording in Teatro Ibérico, one of the most well kept secrets of Lisbon, where, for instance, the famous group Madredeus have recorded their first album, and, above all, due to the fact that was a live recording which has given the music a stronger sense of sharing. These unique conditions have contributed strongly to the final result that makes “Quase Então” a classic of portuguese recorded jazz.
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