CF 306

Joe Morris Quartet
Chris Lightcap (b), Gerald Cleaver (d), Joe Morris (g), Mat Maneri (vla),

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“Balance” may be the return of an old Joe Morris project and band, but the always innovative guitarist embraces it as a new adventure. And sure it is: Morris reunion with his former partners Mat Maneri, Chris Lightcap and Gerald Cleaver brings the music to territories never before crossed. Of course, the years passed and the musicians changed their perspectives and skills, but this happens not only because of their personal evolutions. It’s mostly a question of attitude, and this one is clear: not to do what was already done in the past. Finding resemblances with albums like “Underthru” and “Live at the Old Office” is inevitable – after all, they’re the same musicians –, but what was revealed there is now the point of departure for other paths and solutions. There’s another big difference: if Joe Morris was then identified with this quartet, for his own despair, this time it’s just one musical investment among others. As he writes in the liner notes: «One way of approach, one aesthetic, one way of organizing my music isn’t enough for me.» This man continues to astonish us, again and again…

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