Coldest Second Yesterday

Steve Noble | Kristoffer Berre Alberts
Steve Noble  drums | Kristoffer Berre Alberts  tenor saxophone

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Here’s one more episode of the British / Scandinavian connection established in the domains of improvised music. And sure it’s a special one, reuniting a second generation figure of the 50 year old London scene, drummer Steve Noble, and one of the top saxophonists coming from the Trondheim’ creative jazz crib, Kristoffer Berre Alberts. Noble was a member of the legendary avant-pop band Rip Rig and Panic and a partner of Derek Bailey in many adventures, also playing with Tristan Honsinger, Alan Wilkinson and in the unforgettable collective Kahondo Style. Alberts is making waves in such different groups like Saka and Starlite Motel, with its strong rock pulse, and Cortex, known for its post-free jazz attitude. Together they act like an elephant in a porcelain shop, but in a good way. The music is dense and intense, seeming to drag everything that happens to be in their path, and yet it includes little details, inviting you in each moment to find them amongst the walls of sound. At the end of “Coldest Second Yesterday” you feel “experienced”, and that’s the best you can have from a recording.

Recorded by Christian Obermayer 4th of august 2015 at Kulturhuset, Oslo | Mixed and mastered by Christian Obermayer
Produced by Noble and Alberts | Executive production by Pedro Costa for Trem Azul | Design by Travassos