Live in Ljubljana

Trumpets and Drums
Nate Wooley trumpet, amplifier / Peter Evans trumpet, picollo trumpet / Jim Black drums, electronics / Paul Lytton drums, percussion

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Trumpet and drums, or more exactly: two trumpets and two drumsets. The trumpeters, Nate Wooley and Peter Evans, are used to playing together, but it’s a first finding such different drummers (one a natural born rhythmicist, the other an architect of textures) as Jim Black and Paul Lytton playing together. Wooley has a duo with Lytton, and Evans worked with the two men holding the sticks. So, don’t think there’s a double duet acting here, or that previous Wooley / Evans or Wooley / Lytton experiences give a base of security to the events heard. As the wild card of the quartet, Black would easily (just by being himself) cut off all attempts to go to chartered terrain, but truth is he doesn’t need to: veteran improviser Lytton and the two younger horn players are known, precisely, for their ability to contradict themselves and to perform the unexpected. So, “Trumpet and Drums” isn’t the kind of summit you normally get when the same instruments are on stage. There’s no battle of skills, even if they’re well evident. That’s something else what conducts this meeting of giants: to find what the mirrors don’t show. And the four musicians do find what they search for, and so can you.