CD1 Miha Gantar Trio | Ultima
Miha Gantar piano | Eric McPherson drums | John Hébert double bass

CD2 Miha Gantar Quintet | Transitions
Miha Gantar piano | Doori Na violin | Sarah Thomas violin | Amy Huimei Tan viola | Irène Han cello

CD3 Miha Gantar Duo | Sanctuary
Zoh Amba tenor saxophone | Miha Gantar piano

CD4 Miha Gantar Trio – Angels
Miha Gantar piano | Kweku Sumbry drums and hand percussion | Jeremy Dutton drums

CD5 Miha Gantar Solo – Towards Purity
Miha Gantar piano


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For any emerging artist seeking to establish a foothold in a crowded field, it’s imperative to make a strong first impression. That’s a tenet Miha Gantar clearly has taken to heart. Gantar, a 26-year-old improvising pianist and composer born in Slovenia and now based in Amsterdam, made a strong first splash in 2022 with Introducing, a 5CD debut release on the esteemed Clean Feed label. Another 5CD set, Amsterdam, followed on the same label in October 2023. Now, Gantar completes a hat trick with New York City, a third 5CD set.

This set illuminates the young pianist’s prodigious creativity and versatility across five distinct settings. Reinforcing their individuality, each album in the set has its own title. The first, Ultima, unites the pianist with bassist John Hébert and drummer Eric McPherson, an elite rhythm section previously employed by Andrew Hill and Fred Hersch. The second, Transitions, underscores Gantar’s background in classical music, complementing his piano with the quartet of violinists Doori Na and Sarah Thomas, violist Amy Huimei Tan, and cellist Irène Han—the latter three members of the Bergamot Quartet. Sanctuary, third in the set, captures a first meeting between Gantar and saxophonist Zoh Amba, a Tennessee transplant cutting an increasingly high profile in New York with her soulful approach to ecstatic jazz. Disc four, Angels is another trio—but here, instead of the classic bass and drums format, Gantar spars with two percussionists, Kweku Sumbry and Jeremy Dutton. The last disc, Towards Purity, finds Gantar alone, deploying his powers of invention in an extended nocturne that’s ceaselessly lyrical despite its lack of tonal mooring. It’s an ideal coda and benediction after the busy meetings and collaborations found on the four previous albums comprising New York City—and, in its own way, one more unique artistic statement Gantar could only have created here, and now.

All Music by Miha Gantar except CD3 by Miha Gantar and Zoh Amba

Miha Gantar Trio | Ultima
Recorded at Power Station Studio in NYC on August 1st and 2nd 2023 by James Farber, assistant sound engineer Ben Miller | Mix and Master by Dave Darlington | Editing by Davide Ruffini
Produced by Dré A. Hočevar | Piano preparation and tuning by James Carney | Project management by Rebeka Rusjan Zajc | Executive production by Pedro Costa for Trem Azul | Design & artwork by Travassos

Miha Gantar Quintet | Transitions
Recorded at Power Station Studio in NYC on August 4th and 5th 2023 by Chris Allen, assistant sound engineer Ben Miller | Mix and Master by Dave Darlington | Editing by Davide Ruffini
Produced by Dré A. Hočevar | Piano preparation and tuning by Mario Igrec | Project management by Rebeka Rusjan Zajc | Executive production by Pedro Costa for Trem Azul | Design & artwork by Travassos

Miha Gantar Duo | Sanctuary
Recorded at Power Station Studio in NYC on August 10th and 11th 2023 by Ben Miller | Mix and Master by Dave Darlington
Produced by Dré A. Hočevar | Piano preparation and tuning by Mario Igrec | Project management by Rebeka Rusjan Zajc | Executive production by Pedro Costa for Trem Azul | Design & artwork by Travassos

Miha Gantar Trio | Angels
Recorded at Power Station Studio in NYC on August 7th and 8th 2023 by Chris Allen, assistant sound engineer Ben Miller | Mix and Master by Dave Darlington | Editing by Davide Ruffini
Produced by Dré A. Hočevar | Piano preparation and tuning by Mario Igrec | Project management by Rebeka Rusjan Zajc | Executive production by Pedro Costa for Trem Azul | Design & artwork by Travassos

Miha Gantar Solo | Towards Purity
Recorded at Power Station Studio in NYC on August 13th and 14th 2023 by Ben Miller | Mix and Master by Dave Darlington
Produced by Dré A. Hočevar | Piano preparation and tuning by Mario Igrec | Project management by Rebeka Rusjan Zajc | Executive production by Pedro Costa for Trem Azul | Design & artwork by Travassos

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