T.E.C.K. String 4tet

T.E.C.K. String 4tet
Tomas Ulrich cello / Elliott Sharp acoustic & national tricone / Carlos “Zíngaro” violin / Ken Filiano double bass

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You’ve never heard a string quartet like this, that’s for sure. In place of the classical grouping of two violins, viola, and cello that is ubiquitous in chamber music, this improvising string quartet consists of guitar, violin, cello, and double bass. The musicians in this quartet bring with them an almost astoundingly varied set of musical histories. Carlos “Zíngaro” and Tomas Ulrich come from classical backgrounds, although they have made their careers elsewhere, choosing to improvise as often as reading scores. Elliott Sharp has roots in experimental rock, and Ken Filiano established his name as a post-free jazz virtuoso. But it’s not that simple. Zíngaro was a pioneer of psychedelic rock in Portugal, back in the Sixties, works with real time electronics, and writes for dance and theatre. Ulrich has recorded with the avant-metal band Doctor Nerve and is a key element in many jazz projects. Sharp has a solo CD of Thelonious Monk covers and is a respected composer of New Music. And Filiano is a chameleon-like performer, at ease in any context, from straight-ahead jazz to Tango. The music on this recording may be, hmmm, unorthodox, but the old good blues of the Delta of the Mississippi is the backbone of everything here. Prepare yourselves for the blast, ‘cause it ain’t Mozart. Think of something Ornette Coleman might have conceived for strings, but this goes far beyond…