The Destructive Element

Harris Eisenstadt
Angelica Sanchez (p), Ellerry Eskelin (ts), Harris Eisenstadt (d),


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Here is one more fundamental opus of the present day jazz creativity recorded in Portugal, the little, sunny country serving as the door to enter Europe and to get out in the direction of the New World. The second album of the trio founded by drummer and composer Harris Eisenstadt with Ellery Eskelin (tenor saxophone) and Angelica Sanchez (piano) is a climb of several steps towards brilliancy. And part of the reason resides in the fact that Eisenstadt enables his phantoms (his personal references) to float, like writer Joseph Conrad in the title-track, “The Destructive Element”, composer Arnold Schoenberg in the two parts of “From Schoenberg”, and film director Akira Kurosawa in “Here Are the Samurai”. If the debut CD of the September Trio was about ballads, this one has as main theme the simple / complex paradox. This having nothing to do with the stereotyped oppositions between composition and improvisation, or between massive intensity and small group dynamics: simplicity and complexity are where you less expect it, and sometimes you take one for another. Fabulous, in one word.


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