Afonso Pais | Tomás Marques
Afonso Pais guitar | Tomás Marques alto saxophone
13,90 €
To trust is to accept the metamorphosis. For several years before the onset of this motto, up until Afonso and Tomás cojoined to search for a musical path to express themselves as a Unit, concepts such as pulse, timbre or spontaneity had already been an intrinsic part of their life and musical explorations, individually. Sharing the thought that improvising is to a large extent the art of being able to flip oneself on one´s own head, in other words, finding the many eloquent ( musical ) voices within, brought them together into a whirlpool of ideas and possibilities each time a playing / recording session took place. Two things were clear from the get go: the music was highly susceptible to the moods, entirely different from session to session and take to take, and specially pleasurable to play on, if no words were exchanged prior to the recording ; Every audition of the music made it clearer how much each of the instrument´s purpose or place in the collective soundscape was embedded in the Impro´s end result, as if it were for some kind of ´already written` sophisticated musical piece, except that it was ´written on the go`.
Boglins are mythical creatures, some say the reason why they are so elusive is that they seldom play the music, and when they do, rarely is a recorder on.
All music by Afonso Pais and Tomás Marques
The music hereby presented was played and recorded during 2022 by Afonso and Tomás, entirely impromptu and without editing | Mixing and mastering by Luís Candeias
Produced by A. Pais and T. Marques | Executive production by Pedro Costa for Trem Azul | Image by A. Pais and T. Marques | Design by Travassos