Vibrate in Sympathy

Almeida | Duynhoven | Klein
Tobias Klein  alto saxophone, bass clarinet & contrabass clarinet | Gonçalo Almeida  double bass | Martin van Duynhoven  drums

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You could say that “Vibrate in Sympathy” is one more item in the present focus on acoustic improvisation. Or you could say this is one more example of the particular jazz brand you find in the Dutch scene. Both judgments are not really true. The musicians involved have their own individual personalities and they don’t represent any organized tendencies. Two of them, saxophonist and clarinetist Tobias Klein and double bassist Gonçalo Almeida, may live in Holland but they weren’t born there – the first is German, the other Portuguese. Besides that, Klein had a past dedication to live-electronics and composes chamber music, and Almeida leads or co-leads electric bands and goes often into rock territory. These factors contribute to the rather different, and even special, approach here documented, confirming the definition provided by this trio «inspired by all kinds of adventurous music of the last 50 years». But the connection with the acoustic tradition, and with the “Dutch way”, is there and it’s solid: drummer Martin Duynhoven was a pioneer of this soundworld and, as such, is a living reference of everything happening in the country. His partners here can go very far, but it’s him who keeps their feet on the ground. That’s what you’ll find here: dreamy music with a sense of gravity. The best kind…

All compositions by Tobias Klein except 06 by Gonçalo Almeida and 07 by Gonçalo Almeida | Martin van Duynhoven | Tobias Klein

Recorded by Tobias Klein at Studio De Zwarte Molen, Amsterdam on December 1st, 2014 | Mixed and by Tobias Klein | Mastered by Niels Brouwer
Produced by Tobias Klein | Executive production by Pedro Costa for Trem Azul | Design by Travassos