François Houle Genera Sextet
François Houle clarinet | Marco von Orelli cornet/trumpet | Samuel Blaser trombone | Benoît Delbecq piano | Michael Bates bass | Harris Eisenstadt drums
$ 16.22
In Memoriam Ken Pickering (1952 — 2018)
This album pays tribute to and celebrates the memory of Ken Pickering, my best friend, mentor, and supporter of my work from the moment we met back when I first moved to Vancouver in 1990. The compositions were not intended as a suite but as the pieces emerged it became evident to me that there was a hidden narrative binding them together as a whole, such as a Requiem (an act or token of remembrance, the Latin accusative of requies, ‘rest’). As I composed the music, echoes of brass band marches, motets, masses, and the Blues wove their way into the sound fabric. To quote Christine Fedina “Ken’s untimely death was devastating and felt especially tragic for the members of Genera. This act of gratitude and love is a lasting tribute to a beautiful soul by this extraordinarily talented group of his dear friends. You may hear a tinge of nostalgia woven through these compositions here and there, but mostly you will hear the joy, humour and boundless love of the human spirit!”
All compositions by François Houle, ©Tatterdemalion Music (SOCAN)
Recorded by Lara Persia, Studio 2 RSI, Lugano-Besso, 23-25 March 2022 | Mixed and mastered by Benoît Delbecq, Bureau de Son, Paris, France, November 2022
Produced by François Houle FMH Productions | co-production with RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera – Rete Due | Executive by Pedro Costa for Trem Azul | Design by Travassos | Inlay photo by Sheldon Suter | We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts
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